Friday, August 16, 2019
Complete all columns In the table below. Functions/skills of management Functions/skills of leadership Differences between management and leadership Planning Identifying workloads, responsibilities, collective goals. Delegating tasks and responsibility and ensuring employees work together to meet personal and workforce goals. Planning Staffing requirements and Rota's Recruitment, selection & placement. Training & development. Performance appraisal. Supervision Leadership Communication Ensuring employees are performing their roles too high standard.Taking capillary action if and when required Ensuring legal obligations are met Setting objectives for the team and the individual Planning SMART objectives and making sure the team are aware of them and motivated to meet them. Communicating and ensuring open channels of communication. Team Building supporting team members to achieve the goal as a collective Evaluating performance and using training to support team members to build on weakn esses. Motivating members of the team through smaller goals, praise, and reinforcement. Organizing and ensuring that strengths and weaknesses of the team re accounted for.Showing commitment and enthusiasm and working within the team to support its members to reach their objective. Being a leader is a skill of a good manager however you can be a manager without being a leader. Some managers can identify workloads, delegate and supervise but they do not inspire, motivate and lead effectively. In some cases the lack of leadership can be negated by a strong and motivated team however in other cases It can cause a team to fracture and not succeed to meet their objective. Outcome 2, AC 1- written question Describe the methods of allocating work to others?Why is planning and agreement of these important? In order to allocate work to teams and individuals, you need to decide with your team how to distribute tasks and responsibilities. You need to make sure this allocation makes best use of their strengths, and provides opportunities for employees to learn and develop in their roles. You need to make it clear what is expected of team members and check their commitment to their work. By planning this with team members both as a group and individually you will promote ownership of roles and increase each members dedication to meeting their individual and group objectives.Team members can request training to develop their knowledge and aspire towards more responsibility and greater tasks. Outcome 2, AC 2 – table Complete all columns within the table below. Types of conflict Ways of managing conflict Outcomes to managing conflict in this way 1 . Interdependence Conflicts. For example key worker / case holder, both employees rely on the other to complete their tasks so they can effectively complete theirs. If one person in this relationship does not do their work the other cannot complete theirs. 2. Differences in Style.Employees may have different priorities or idea s around what s important when completing a task. They may be goal or person orientated. Neither may be wrong however lack of understanding of working styles can cause conflict. 3. Differences in Background/Gender. Conflicts can arise between people because of differences in educational backgrounds, personal experiences, ethnic heritage, gender and political preferences. 4. Differences in Leadership. Employees who change from one leader to another can become confused and irritated by the different leadership styles.They may be use to a directive leader and find it difficult to manage a more nurturing approach Having a quiet word Investigating the problem informally Using internal procedures – for example, company procedures for dealing with grievances Improving the way you communicate and consult with employees Team Meetings This can sometimes resolve a conflict without the need for escalation This may be a supervisor or manager investigating the cause of conflict and taking action without the need for official procedures.This is a more formal route and will involve the manager and any HER or union representatives. A formal outcome will be reached up to and including dismissal. The company's overall goals. Allows staff to air their grievances in a positive and constructive manner. Why is it important that you recognize causes of conflict within a team? Motivation drops: fewer people volunteer to take on new tasks and there is little employee input at staff meetings or handovers. Behavior changes: people start to make derogatory remarks towards each other and a culture of gossip, and back stabbing is created.Productivity falls: there are likely to be more queries and complaints if people are not cooperating with each other. Sickness absence increases: unhappiness may lead to depression, or avoidable sickness. Unit 1 Outcome 2, AC 3 – written question Analyses the link between leadership skills and motivation? Motivation is goal-oriented behavior, and leaders influence behavior to and therefore whether or not employees achieve goals. To promote and uphold motivation on the part of employees, leaders carefully manage individual and organizational performance to reach goals that are clearly achievable.Motivation requires employees to believe that they can accomplish the task. Individuals are less likely to work toward a goal if it has little or no probability of success. Effective leaders communicate with employees to assess levels of maturity, kill and self-esteem. They promote the training, support and coaching necessary to build confidence and develop mission-essential skills. Ineffective leaders have the opposite effect; they belittle employees and their work and don't train or nurture employees so the likely hood of them buying into and ultimately achieving the goal is significantly reduced.Outcome 3, AC 1 – written question Delegation is a way of getting a Job done by someone else. This does not mean allowing anybo dy to do your Job as you don't want to but identifying the appropriate person to complete a task effectively, allowing you to strategically manage. To ensure delegation is effective the following criteria must be met: Staff know what is wanted of them They have the authority to achieve it they know how to do it. They can make decisions and complete the task whilst meeting the aims of the company.Unit 1 Outcome 3, AC 2 – written question Describe ways of coordinating delegated work? After delegating work it is important to stay in control and coordinate the work whilst refraining from stifling staff and dictating what they do. Ask for regular feedback, weather daily weekly or monthly and be prepared to teach and guide staff as well as old them accountable for their actions and work. Good communication skills are imperative as when coordinating delegated work this may mean coordinating the work of multiple staff members across several teams.Arrange and chair meetings between al l parties and ensure that communication if fluid between individuals as well as with management. If any of your staff falls short of your expectations, by being irresponsible or not completing a task, replace that person. On the other hand, if any of them does a good Job, praise, motivate, and increase the self confidence of that person. Outcome 3, AC 3 – written question Analyses possible psychological barriers to delegation? Feeling of superiority: Managers may feel that they should be seen to have the more ‘important' or ‘managerial' tasks as this will Justify their position.Fear of exposure: Senior staff may feel that if they delegate their workload and it is easily achieved by staff members then they will be seen as unimportant or at risk of employees trying to take their Job as it is achievable. Feeling of indispensability: If their Job can be done by someone else they may become dispensable and less needed or important to the companies objectives. Unit 1 Ou tcome 4, AC 1 – written question Describe the value of setting agreed work objectives with team members?Setting objectives in consultation with the supervisor allows staff the opportunity to express the way the Job gets done, raise concerns or ideas about what is to be accomplished. ‘Sharing the load' increases the staff member's commitment and motivation to achieve the agreed objectives. Ensures that the staff member understand what the allocate their time and resources effectively. Provides a clear understanding of how the work will be measured and evaluated, enabling the staff member to assess their win performance, and make any improvements where required.Outcome 4, AC 2 – table Ways of providing support to meet work objectives with team members Benefits to each type of support Induction Training Supervision Appraisal If every new starter completes a clear and comprehensive training programmer then they will be supported to fully understand the company's aims and how their role meets these aims. They will know what is expected of them and how to fulfill each task. Training develops knowledge and also provides refreshers to employees throughout their career. It reminds them not only of what to do but how to do it.Supervision takes place regularly and gives supervisor and supervise the opportunity to reflect on the supervises work practices, identify any areas which the supervise needs additional support or training. Allows the employee to reflect and develop a personal development plan which will outline objectives for the following year. It also enables the employer to make the Outcome 5, AC 1 – written question Outline ways of developing a quality culture in the workplace? Lead by example: Employees take the lead from their manager. By showing a positive practical and problem solving approach it is likely that employees will follow this example.Training: This supports employees to understand the company's objectives, how their r ole meets these objectives and supports them to have the knowledge and ability to meet their own criteria. Involve staff: The more staff are involved and consulted the more ownership they will take of a project. This goes on to increase their drive dedication and commitment to meeting the goals of the company. Try different approaches: If something isn't working don't be afraid to change it. This promotes problem solving and creativity. Outcome 5, AC 2 – written question Describe possible barriers to promoting quality in the workplace?People not knowing hat is expected: If people do not receive proper training and induction processes they may not fully understand their role, the companies aim and therefore how to provide it. Managers focusing on a quick fix: Being under pressure to fix problems may lead to a ‘band aid' approach rather than long term solutions. This may provide immediate results but will not lead to quality and consistency. Not knowing who's responsible: Without clear accountability and responsibility projects may not be managed and staff may not fully commit for fear of being held accountable for something they are not sure if they are responsible for.
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