Monday, September 30, 2019
How can Freud’s Psychodynamic model help me to understand and change my life?
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was the father of psychodynamic therapy. His work built upon what had been done by Brewer before him. One of his patients Anna O labelled his method as being ‘the talking cure'*. During this essay I shall briefly explain Freud's main theories on the human personality and then examine how these can help me to understand and change my life. * An Introduction To Counselling. P80 Freud believed the human psyche is divided into three areas the conscious, preconscious and unconscious*. In the unconscious exists the Id. This is the instinctual life force within us. Two forces are at work within the Id, Eros a drive for love and Thanatos a drive for destruction**. In our day-to-day lives we are unaware of the effects our Id has upon us, Freud argues that hidden forces from the Id govern most of the things we want to do. The Id has no time dimension and memories trapped within it remain emotionally charged***. * Teach Yourself Counselling. P121 ** Teach Yourself Counselling. P121 *** Mastering Psychology. P242 The Ego helps to mediate between the Id and the outside world, known as the ‘reality principle'*. It is the part of ourselves, which enables us to fit into society. It takes on board social norms and lets the Id have its way when it will be practically possible and allowable by society. * Mastering Psychology. P242 From society and our parents we develop the Superego. This provides us with a ‘moral principle'*. It is basically the internalisation of parental and societal rules. The Superego is largely unconscious though we do become aware of certain thing when they move into the preconscious. * Mastering Psychology. P243 Through psychodynamic therapy I discovered that I had repressed many memories. I believe these were being stored in my unconscious. These memories were having a profound effect upon my life although I did not realise this at the time. I went through almost seven years of bullying when I was at school. When I left school and continued with my life I was always aware of this fact but I had lost many of the details over time and could not recall much about it. When I reached twenty years of age I developed clinical depression and had panic attacks. I was forced leave university with only six months left to completion. My home became my sanctuary and for a period of three months I did not leave it. Through many years of differing therapy I have begun to understand more about what happened within my mind to bring me to that point. The memories I had storied in my unconscious, though I was largely unaware of them, were distorting my view of the world. It was â€Å"frightening outside†; I could â€Å"get hurt if I left home†. These were not a realistic feeling about my current circumstances but were a reflection of the fears I had held during the time of my bullying. I was extremely depressed because I felt â€Å"useless†, â€Å"ugly†and that my life was â€Å"pointless†. Again I now feel that these thoughts grew from trapped memories. I had been called many names whilst at school; I had been treated very badly facing physical harm on a daily basis. I was treated as an outcast by nearly everyone; I was spat at, ignored, teased and put down. During therapy I began to see in my mind a monster. It was black with red eyes. I had often had nightmares involving such a creature. Freud regarded dreams as â€Å"the royal road to the unconscious†*. He placed great emphasis upon analysing them, and along with free association dreams became the centre of his psychoanalysis methods. Freud believed that dreams where a sign of the unconscious mind at work and proof that his theories were correct. * Freud – A Beginners Guide p25 & p57 Over time I realised that this monster contained all of the negative emotions other people had placed onto me. Even seven years after the bullying stopped this monster was still telling me I was useless and ugly and deserved no more than to be beaten up. Through therapy memories slowly began to emerge from out of the unconscious. It was very painful at first as the strength of feeling contained in the memories was so strong. Overtime these feelings have weakened, I still believe there are some buried memories but many have now risen out of my Id and have been largely dealt with in my conscious. I don't believe the monster has gone but I seem to have taken much of its power away. I believe my Ego is caught up in this tangled web as well. I feel that while I was at school I may have internalised some of the negatives messages into my Ego. In some ways my Ego stopped looking after me. Through psychodynamic therapy I have begun to rebuild my Ego almost teaching it that the things that happened to me were not my fault and that I do deserve to be looked after by myself, through my Ego. Freud divided a child's life into a number of differing developmental stages. Stage one is the oral phase*. Normally occurring between being born and around two years of age. It involves a discovery of your world and surroundings through the use of your mouth. Sucking to feed provides both nutrients and closeness with mother. Any available object will be tested by being placed in the mouth and explored that way. Mastering Psychology. P247, Teach Yourself Counselling. P123, An Introduction To Counselling. P81 Personally I have no memories of this period in my own life. It is thought though that people sometimes fall back into child like behaviour to receive comfort from these things. I smoke and therefore enjoy the aspect of putting a cigarette in my mouth and sucking it tending to do this most when stressed. Some people argue this is regressive behaviour and links back into my oral stage. The second stage occurs between the ages of two to four. Called the Anal Stage* it is the period when a child discovers that he/she produces faeces. Apparently the child then experiments with control. Being able to both let go and hold on to the faeces. Freud argued that if parents handle this stage of development badly a child could become afraid of letting go of things as they grew older or overly controlling. Teach Yourself Counselling. P123, Mastering Psychology. P247 The phallic stage* develops between the ages of four to seven. Freud argued that the genitals become the main interest or focus to the child during this period. It is also during this time that the Superego develops. This is the time when Freud's infamous Oedipus* and Electra Complexes* are said to occur. Teach Yourself Counselling. P124. Mastering Psychology. P247 Little boys will fall in love with their mother and girls with their father. Girls will develop penis envy and hate their mother for not giving them one. Boys will hate their father believing that he wishes to castrate them and stop them being with their mother. After this latency will set in, this period is believed to be the best time for children to learn. Then puberty starts and Freud believed that the whole process repeats itself thus enabling any damage incurred during the first time round to be repaired. I can imagine that during puberty these processes had a difficult time repairing any damage to me, as it was during this time that I was being bullied. I can't directly link any of this to the three stages but from experience I know that damage done during this time is far more difficult to deal with than damage done later in life when the personality is fully formed. In this final stage of the essay I shall examine four of Freud's ideas on how the mind copes with experiences it does not want to deal with, these are called defences. Freud listed over twenty-five differing defences created by the mind to protect itself. The first one I shall look at is repression. Repression is when memories are hidden in the unconscious. The Ego may not have been able to cope with the events attached to the memory and so stored them away where the person could not access them. * Teach Yourself Counselling. P183/184. Mastering Psychology. P245. This is sometimes known as Ego Censorship*. Personally this is one defence I feel I have had a lot of experience with. Most of my time at school was somehow lost. My two best friends, who were at school with me, would talk about fellow students, teaches and events involving the three of us and I would have no recollection what so ever of what they were talking about. * Counselling course class notes Many of the things that happened to me I only began to remember after they spoke about them. It was very strange, almost as if they were talking about people and places I had never been. It was quite a disconcerting experience. The experience would come into my conscious at sometimes though. Through dreams certain memories would come alive. If I was extremely depressed suddenly a dam would break and a flood of bad memories would pour on top of me and yet the next day I would not be able to recall what they were. Another defence is regression*. This is the idea that people sometimes return to behaviour linked with the developmental stages. This can involve many things including crying, taking to ones bed or comfort eating. As I said earlier smoking is also connected with this as it is seen as an oral behaviour. It is noticeable that many people including myself smoke far more when stressed. * An Introduction To Counselling. P84. Teach Yourself Counselling. P183. I do recall, at the time of my worst depression that I took to my bed, often lying in the foetal position and crying. It was comforting in some way. As if I was safer lying in my bed than having to be in the world outside. It reminds me of the time when at night I suddenly feel scared in the dark on the way back from the bathroom but I know when I get into bed and covered up again I will be quite safe. It is also quite possible from personal experience to deny painful events. Denial* is a term, which has become very mainstream; he or she is in denial. Looking back on my life I can see a number of times when I was living in denial. One of my partners who I was with for about six months was patently not for me. I knew this deep down but did not want to be alone and so I denied it. * Teach Yourself Counselling. P179. I continued in the relationship feeling more and more unhappy though not allowing myself to see the real reason, which I did actually know. Eventually the other person ended it and I was forced to deal with life without that partner. It did not take long to realise that I was much happier without them than I was with them but I had not allowed myself to see any possibility of a happy life without them in it. I think everyone has been guilty of displacement at one time in his or her life. Displacement* is when a person replaces the true object of their emotions with another. If someone is angry they may kick a door instead of kicking the person they are angry with. In a sense this defence can be seen as a very positive thing. The Ego allowing aggression out where it will do less harm all round. * Teach Yourself Counselling. P179/180 So during this essay I have briefly examined some of Freud's theories on human development and growth and thought about how these theories can help me to see my life in a different way. In some cases they already have as I have done psychodynamic therapy for some time now. Other areas of his theories leave me slightly baffled and cold, as they strike no resonance with me, though it may be argued that that's because I don't want them to.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Feast of the dead by Cevdet Kudret Essay
It was January when the world seemed grimmer, streets empty, people went out only for work. A boy who had been to the fountain told to the man he saw that Dursun Agha is dead. Dursun Agha is the one who calls at the street asking if someone needs water, one trip, two trips, three trips and someone would call back, one trip means two cans of water that costs three Kurush. Dursun is asturdy man with a round black beard, has 2 children and a wife named Gulnaz, she help Dursan when someone would call her to wash clothes that only happens twice or thrice a week and earn few more three kurush. The caused of Dursun’s death was he had hit his head on the stone bowl under the tap when he slipped. No one ever thought that a tough and durable man could die just like that all of a sudden. Gulnaz heard the news and didn’t know what to do with her children, she didn’t know how she can feed two mouths by washing clothes. It wasn’t enough. No one eat for 36-48 hours until someone feel the hunger inside their stomach. As a Moslem tradition, when someone died the neighbor will give food to the family who’s in grief for a day or two. The first who gave food was from a wealthy man who lived in the white house the tray of food was brought by the maid it was covered in a cloth. No one actually thought of eating that day but when they saw the food it gives them relaxation of feelings. The foods came and it lasted for three of four days. The food stopped coming but they were still hoping until suppertime and they realize that no one will give them food anymore. They cook food and they found it hard to readjust because they get used to the foods that was given by the neighbors until the day came that they have nothing to eat at all.The children and Gulnaz slept with empty stomach. The next day the young boy told to Gulnaz that it hurts inside, but she can’t do anything, they all felt dizzy and hungry. Days passed by until a horse full of bread on its side. Instead of asking for a loaf of bread, Gulnaz froze and didn’t say anything, she just let God’s blessing pass by. She went back to her room empty handed. When her son told her that she can’t stand anymore, he ask his eldest son to go to the grocery store and asked if he could asked some food to the grocery store and tell them they would pay it in a few days. But the trick didn’t work to Bodos so the child left the with empty handed.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Marketing concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Marketing concept - Essay Example Distributional and promotional aspects should also be accounted for in pricing such that the end result of the process is consistent with all the variables in the company’s interests. The primary purpose of pricing strategies is to specify the role of price in the implementation of marketing strategies (Drummond & Ensor 180). The aim of any given company in business is to market its products in order to gather a sufficient market share, thereby enhancing its profitability and a diversified portfolio. In this regard, the applicability of pricing strategies at an individual level cannot be refuted. Pricing strategies in the marketing context have constituted my personal experiences in two ways. These ways relate to the actions engaged by companies and firms in a bid to satisfy their customers and remain profitable at the same time. One of such personal experiences in the context of pricing strategies relates to penetration pricing. A company undertakes such a move in order to stimulate demand for its products. This is done by offering the consumer or the buyer a low price, such that the buyer feels favored and therefore compelled to make purchases. Rational buyers seek to maximize their welfare, and do I, given the interests of the company. When a product whose quality is not compromised is provided at a cheaper price, its demand rises. I have made several purchases under this notion, thus the applicability of penetration pricing in several transactions that I engage in. Another pricing strategy that relates to my personal experience is that of premium pricing. This factor is based on the competitive nature of firms. Firm compete for the market share in order to reap the highest benefits at the minimum cost possible. Competition may necessitate that a firm set its price higher than the competitive price. However, this is only possible when the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Course Work Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Course Work - Coursework Example This is due to what is known as protective factors. This are influences that a person can have which will increase their ability to deal with certain stressors which can increase their ability to influence their mental health. Protective factors lead to a person developing resilience to certain stressful situations. 2) Decriminalization of illicit drugs like marijuana, cocaine will increase drug related social problems. Drugs are not regarded as being dangerous because they are illegal; they are illegal since they are dangerous. Decriminization of illicit drugs help in not regulation of illicit drugs. Decriminization is actually part of a back door effort that will help easy society into accepting the use of addictive drugs; this will include the use of drug related social problems. 3) Children are very sensitive to the issue of HIV/AIDS. Children have many fears regarding this disease. F children are taught about HIV/AIDS they c n make their health choices (Dyk 87). If children are taught about HIV/AIDS this will be an indication that people care about their wealth. At the age of 8 to 10 you can start to teach a child the basic of HIV/AIDs and how it is
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Midterm questions and answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Midterm questions and answers - Essay Example 2b. TUFS system can be described as a qualifier; since it replaces the inefficient manual system that was being used previously, through making it easy for the underwriters and their managers to communicate and develop reports easily (Smith and McKeen, 68). 3a.The advantage of agile project management is that it allows all the stakeholders to be involved in the system development process, through providing an interactive forum where they can give their contribution. The advantage of system development life cycle project development methodology is that it first evaluates the necessity of the study, through undertaking a feasibility study to determine the possible benefits of the system. The disadvantage of system development life cycle project development methodology is that it takes long to complete the project, while the agile project management does not undertake a feasibility study first (Smith and McKeen, 67). 4. Martin Drysdale should first develop app For TUFS on the Apple Ios, since it is an advanced version of computer operating system, making it compatible with computer operations that are necessary for TUFS
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Research Paper Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Research Paper Proposal - Essay Example With regards to the proposed research study, the researcher aims to provide a clear introduction. As part of the main body, the researcher will discuss the following: (1) importance of dental development when it comes to determining the age of the victim; (2) ways in which archeologists could determine the sex of the victim through by studying either the human dental remains and skeletal remains of the victim; (3) the use of human dental remains when it comes to determining the past occupations of the victim; and (4) ways in which human dental remains could reflect the victim’s past medical condition and treatments prior to his/her death. Prior to the conclusion, the researcher will seek to discuss how human dental remains could reflect the victim’s lifestyle and/or habits. 1. To save the researcher’s time and effort, the researcher will first list down the schools that offer courses related to the study of bioarcheology, dentistry, forensic science, criminal justice, and crime scene investigation. (Guide to Online Schools, 2008) The researcher plans to complete the research study within a short span of one week. The researcher will list down the nearby schools that offer online courses related to bioarcheology, dentistry, forensic science, criminal justice, crime scene investigation followed by gathering related peer-reviewed journal within the first two to three days. Right after the gathering related peer-reviewed journals, the researcher will spend another two days going through the journals and highlight important parts of the study. As soon as the researcher is done highlighting important findings in each journal, the researcher will start conceptualizing followed by officially writing down the flow of the research study. (See Appendix I – Gannt Chart Showing the Proposed Research Schedule on page 4) The proposed research
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Parliamentary Contribution to Democracy Essay
The Parliamentary Contribution to Democracy - Essay Example Parliament is the essential and definitive link between the citizen and the government and should therefore be the cardinal institution of any nation's democratic system. Genuine representative democracy is possible only in a country with a strong Parliament. A strong Parliament ensures a good and accountable government endowed with a robust and sensitive law making mechanism. The citizens of a country have a say in the decisions that affect their lives only when a strong Parliament is in existence in that country. Over a period of time, Parliament's power to hold the Executive to account has been on the decline irrespective of the political character of the Government involved. Important legislation becomes law after being subjected to cursory investigation and this allows the entry of laws which have been poorly drafted and ill thought through. This has been the experience in the United Kingdom. The domination of the Legislature by the Executive has assumed great importance and it has been generally conceded that, the Executive dominates the Legislature and that any discussion in this regard concerns itself mainly with the level of this dominance. Such studies have in the main concentrated on the parliament's performance in the legislative process and there is a discernible neglect of other key functions of parliament such as scrutiny for example. The diminishing role of Parliament and the increasing power of the Executive in the British political system has been the subject of many discussions and a number of concrete remedies have been suggested by various authorities. Inter Alia, these authorities have frequently referred to a so called golden age when the balance between legislature and executive was more equitable. "The argument appears to start from a misinterpretation of what the role of Parliament has been in the past which is a question of description or what the role ought to be is a question of prescription. This lacks the evidence of past commentators, like Mill or Bagehot which always correctly interpreted. Indeed, the lessons of history itself are not infrequently misapplied"2 The Liaison Committee had submitted two reports, in order to clarify its views on the discussion taking place in respect of the relationship between Parliament and the Executive3, these reports are Shifting the balance: select committees and the executive, or the 1st report of 1999-2000, HC 300, March 20004 and Independence or control or the 2nd report of 1999-2000, HC 748, July 20005. Although the primary focus of the Committee's attention is the select committee system6, it addresses this in the overall context of the executive-parliamentary relations, as can be seen from its conclusions in the first report. These conclusions state that twenty years have elapsed since the setting up of the departmental select committees and that their establishment was a major step in making the Executive accountable to Parliament, and ultimately to the citizen and the taxpayer. Although, these committees had done a lot of important work their full capability had been neither realized nor
Monday, September 23, 2019
Summary of book Call of The Wild Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summary of book Call of The Wild - Essay Example In chapter four, Buck takes the pack’s leadership and he demonstrates his capability by making the pack travel faster than the previous leader had done. This is seen when he makes the pack travel from Dawson to Skaguay in one day instead of the ten days they had taken previously. The pack is sold to a Scotsman after Perrault and Francois receives official orders directing them to transfer elsewhere. They travel back to Dawson and one of the dogs dies from fatigue and illness (London 36). In chapter five, the dogs are sold to new masters, Hal and Charles who travel with Charles’ wife Mercedes. The inexperience of the pack’s new masters makes them starve and carry heavier loads than the ones it carried before. The pack reaches John Thornton’s camp and Thornton frees it from Hal’s mastership (London 46). In chapter six, Buck becomes friends with Thornton, defends him from his foes, and helps him win a bet (London 55). In chapter seven, Buck and Thornton travels east to find a lost gold mine. It is here that Buck first enters the woods after feeling wild yearnings. He wanders in the wilderness with wolves and one day, he come back to his master’s camp to finds it attacked by Yeehat Indians. He attacks the assailants, killing some and dispersing the rest. The book closes with Buck going into the woods and joining the wolves in wandering the wilderness (London
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Introduction to Communication in Health Essay Example for Free
Introduction to Communication in Health Essay Outcome 1: Understand why communication is important in the work setting? †¢ People communicate to give and receive information i.e. Child A has eaten a piece of toast during snack time, as child A doesnt usually do this we informed the parents of the childs progress at the end of our preschool session. †¢ People also communicate to give and receive instructions e.g. Child A has a lactose intolerance and therefore can only have Soya milk at snack times ,It is therefore vital that all staff follow these instructions. †¢ People also communicate to express any needs that they have in our preschool setting we have all weather outdoor play time so it is essential that all children have a suitable outdoor coat hat, gloves and Wellington boots. 2. Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work? See more: how to start an essay †¢ Being able to communicate with all individuals within our preschool setting helps to build a good foundation and understanding between us. Giving information in a clear manner that is understood by the recipient to ensure that the information is received in the right way, also taking the time to listen to other peoples points of view and concerns, And ensuring that we meet any needs or concerns that these partys may have. †¢ For children this means always talking to them at there level giving good eye contact and re-assuring facial expressions and body language. Giving them enough time to listen and process things that you say or ask of them and giving adequate time for a response, whenever appropriate using positive tones to your voice. †¢ For parents using all available communication methods, from face to face communication, to telephone conversations or writing in the childs home school book. Using first names where ever possible and listening to and respecting the views of the parent/carer. Always re-assuring a parent that our first priority will always be there child. †¢ For our colleagues always have conversations in appropriate places, Give eye contact and correct body language also listen and be respectful of other peoples point of views and opinions. †¢ In our preschool setting we have many bilingual children and as English isnt there first language we use many different techniques to ensure they can understand what we are saying or asking them to do. During our snack time we count in all the childrens first languages, Chinese and Malayalam and use both pictures and hand signs to help the Children understand. Child A was doing an animal puzzle and showed me a pig piece I said Thats a pig and made the noise oink, oink whilst making a snout with My hand at my nose. 3. Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reaction When communicating with them? †¢ It is important to watch how people react to see how they are feeling and whether they understand the conversation or instructions you are giving to them. You can see if a person is comfortable by there body language, facial, Expressions and tone of there voice. We must use these skills to read both adults and children alike. Also taking in to account that different expressions can have different meanings in other cultures.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
History of U.S. in 400 Words Essay Example for Free
History of U.S. in 400 Words Essay I am very proud of my country because it was formed on the foundation of freedom and has continued to support freedom for all of its citizens as well as helping to spread freedom throughout the world. First, America was founded by common people looking for a better way of life, one in which they were able to practice their religion and participate in how their settlements were governed. Committed to their beliefs, America endured eight years of war to gain their freedom. There were many hardships along the way: disease, starvation, and suffering; but we hung in there and eventually beat the British, the most powerful nation at that time. Then, we did something shocking; we made it a democracy, the first in the world. People thought it was crazy, this American experiment, but we proved it could work. Unfortunately there was a problem brewing – slavery! It ended up causing a great civil war, the North pitted against the South. We got through it and in the end the nation was reunited and freedom for all prevailed. Women still had some problems, though, and after nearly one hundred years of protesting they finally received the same rights as men as they got the right to vote. Our ideals of freedom were then tested outside our boundaries. We got involved in World War II as we helped to purge the world of the atrocities that the Nazis inflicted. We helped in the Korean and Vietnam Wars in their struggle for freedom and equality. After a long Cold War, we were successful in our efforts to get the Soviet Union to end communism and tear down the Berlin Wall. We also got involved in the First Gulf War as we worked to get the Iraqis out of Kuwait and restabilize the country. Then, on September 11, 2001, terrorists struck the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and an airplane in route to Washington, D.C. and we again had to defend our freedom. We are continuing to help put an end to the senseless acts of terrorists along with teaching the people in Iraq and Afghanistan how to defend themselves against the Taliban. The United States of America is a world power, supporting the individual rights and freedom of people throughout the world. It stands for and supports liberty and justice for all, and that makes me incredibly proud.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Importance Of IP Addresses
Importance Of IP Addresses Each device that participates in networking activities must have a unique IP address. Network services that use TCP/IP identify other network hosts by using IP addresses. The IP address provides the exact location of a host device on a network. If the internet protocol determines that a destination address is on the local network, it transmits the packet directly to the network host. If it is determined that the destination IP address is not on the local network, the internet protocol looks for a route to a remote host. An address on the local network is a local address and on not on the local network is a remote address. If a route is found, the packet is sent using that route. If no route is found, then the packet is sent to the default gateway for the source host. A gateway connects networks using different communication protocols. An IP address includes a network identifier and a host identifier. The network identifier is used to identify the network where the host is located. All systems that are on the same physical network must have the same network identifier. The host identifier identifies a workstation, server, router, or other host within a network. The address assigned to each host must be unique to the network identifier. The 128-bit IPv6 address is divided into 16-bit boundaries. The 16-bit blocks are then converted to a 4-digit hexadecimal number, separated by colons. This representation is called colon-hexadecimal. This is in contrast to 32-bit IPv4 address represented in the dotted-decimal format, divided into 8-bit boundaries, and then converted to its decimal equivalent, and separated by periods. IPv6 addresses do not need to be configured manually. Unlike in IPv4, DHCP is not used in IPv6 to configure IP addresses and subnet masks automatically. The link-local scope of an IPv6 address is always configured automatically. Addresses with other scopes, for example global, are configured by router advertisements. Static and Dynamic Addresses A static IP address is an address that does not change over time unless altered manually. It is used when an IP address or network location has to remain the same consistently. A good example of this would be a web server. If you go to you are really going to the IP address of If this were to change it would not be possible to access unless you knew the new IP address or until Google updated their DNS records. A Dynamic IP address is an address that changes every time the device connects to a network and is assigned an IP address. It is mostly commonly used when a consistent IP address is not necessary. Dynamic IPà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s are used in large networks where computers are frequently reconfigured, or where a limited number of IP address are available to share between many computers. IPv6 Unicast Addresses IPv6 Unicast IPv6 Unicast addresses are generically structured as a two part address: a 64-bit Topology part, used by routers to forward a packet to its intended destination network, and a 64-bit Interface Identifier, that identifies a particular end point. There are several types of unicast addresses in IPv6 unicast: global unicast, link-local unicast, and unique-local unicast. There are also some special-purpose subtypes of global unicast, for example IPv6 addresses with embedded IPv4 addresses or Loopback address. Additional address types or subtypes may be defined in the future. Elements of a Unicast Address Prefix e.g. FC00::/7 is a prefix to identify Local IPv6 unicast addresses. Global IDs are 40-bit global identifiers used to create a globally unique prefix Subnet IDs are 16-bit identifiers used to identify a subnet within the site Interface ID is a 64-bit Interface identifier that indicates the interface of a node Global Unicast Global Unicast Addresses of this type are designed to be aggregated or summarized to produce an efficient routing infrastructure. They are the IPv6 equivalent of public IPv4 addresses. Unlike the current IPv4-based Internet, which has the mixture of both flat and hierarchical routing, IPv6 has been designed from the ground up to support hierarchical addressing and routing. Global unicast addresses are globally routable and reachable on the IPv6 section of the Internet. The region of the Internet over which the global unicast address is unique is the entire IPv6 Internet. IPv6 global unicast addresses are assigned from the prefix 2000::/3. Global unicast address assignments are made to Regional Internet Registries, and the address blocks that have been assigned are registered in the IANA IPv6 Global Unicast Address Assignment Registry. All other address prefixes are currently unallocated, and should not be seen in the source or destination address of an IPv6 packet in the context of global routing. Link-Local Addresses Link-local addresses are network addresses that are intended only for communications within one segment of a local network or a point-to-point connection. Link-locals allow addressing hosts without using a globally-routable address prefix. Routers will not forward a packet with link-local addresses. Link-local addresses are often used for network address configuration when there is no external source of network addressing information is available. This addressing is accomplished by the host operating system using a process called stateless address auto configuration. This is possible in both IPv4 and in IPv6. IPv6 hosts automatically assign their interfaces a unique address based on the IEEE 802 MAC address. Unique Local Addresses Unique Local Addresses are similar to the private address space in IPv4. This address space is intended to have the same scope as global address but that equates to an enterprise environment. Unique local addresses are assigned from the prefix FD00::/8, using a self-assigned Global ID, where the Local bit is set to 1. The Global ID is not certain to be unique, and there is no form of address registration. Packets with these addresses in the source or destination fields are not intended to be routed in the public Internet, but are intended to be routed in a site. The address prefix FC00::/8 , with the local bit set to 0, is currently undefined. A former standard proposed the use of site-local addresses in the fec0::/10 range, but due to concerns about scalability and the poor definition of what constitutes a site, its use has been deprecated since September 2004 Unicast Considerations Global Unicast Address Considerations No significant considerations are necessary if the organization has an address space assignment and a single prefix is deployed. A multi-homed site may deploy addresses from two or more Service Provider assigned IPv6 address ranges. Here, the network Administrator must have awareness on where and how these ranges are used on the multi-homed infrastructure environment. The nature of the usage of multiple prefixes may depend on the reason for multi-homing (e.g. resilience failover, load balancing, policy-based routing, or multi-homing during an IPv6 renumbering event) IPv6 introduces improved support for multi-addressed hosts through the IPv6 default address selection methods. A multi-homed host may thus have two addresses, one per prefix (provider), and select source and destination addresses. However multi-homing also has some operative and administrative burdens besides choosing multiple addresses per interface Local Link Addresses Considerations Link-Local addresses are designed to be used for addressing on a single link Generally for the purposes of automatic address configuration, neighbor discovery, or when no routers are present. Routers should not forward any packets with Link-Local source or destination addresses to other links. unique only on one physical link never routed even within particular organization not globally unique not unique even within particular organization used for special features of IPv6 like auto configuration Unique Local Addresses Considerations Advantages Provides Local IPv6 prefixes that can be used independently of any provider-based IPv6 unicast address allocations. This is useful for sites that are not always connected to the Internet or sites that wish to have a distinct prefix that can be used to localize traffic inside of the site. Applications can treat these addresses in the same manner as any other type of global IPv6 unicast addresses. Sites can be merged without renumbering of the Local IPv6 addresses. Sites can change their provider-based IPv6 unicast address without disrupting any communication within the Local IPv6 addresses. Has a well known prefix that allows for easy filtering at site boundary. Can be used for in-site Virtual Private Networks. If accidently leaked outside of a site via routing or DNS, there is no conflict with other addresses. Disadvantages It is not possible to route Local IPv6 prefixes on the global Internet. Consequentially, it is necessary to have the default behaviour of site border routers to filter these addresses. There is an extremely low probability of non-unique locally assigned addresses. This risk can be ignored for all practical purposes, but it still leads to a theoretical risk of clashing addresses. Recommendations The Unique Local Address format is recommended for several reasons: Allows networks to be combined or privately interconnected without creating any address conflicts or requiring renumbering of interfaces using these prefixes If accidentally leaked outside of a network via routing or DNS, there is no conflict with any other addresses ISP independent and can be used for communications inside of a network without having any permanent or intermittent Internet connectivity Well known prefix to allow for easy filtering at network boundaries In practice, applications may treat these addresses like global scoped addresses is designed for Addressing isolated networks Persistent local-context addresses (independent of provider-based addresses) VPN (Virtual Private Network) styled interconnection of local network contexts Private addresses in terms of routing scope Global addresses in terms of uniqueness
Thursday, September 19, 2019
An Analysis Of Parents and Children, Of Marriage and Single Life, and Of Love :: Of Parents and Children Essays
An Analysis of Bacon's Essays - Of Parents and Children, Of Marriage and Single Life, and Of Love Our modern world was the endeavored dream of the medieval genius Sir Francis Bacon. In attempt to reach his desired vision, Bacon displayed his convictions in the literary works, The Essays, which are intended to help young people get ahead in life. Three of these essays: Of Parents and Children, Of Marriage and Single Life, and Of Love, are essays that unfurl common literary characteristics. In these essays Bacon utilizes logical thought, elegance of phrasing, and precepts.            Simple logical thought is the basis and stability in writing. In Bacon’s essay, Of Parents and Children, I was spared of confusion through the clarity of the points, â€Å"and surely a man shall see the noblest works and foundations have proceeded from childless men, which have sought to express the images of their minds.† Bacon’s statement is very to the point. It is this simplicity that will allow supportive commentary. In the commentary is where the writing may be more extravagant. But the simple logical thoughts Bacon applies, provides the cornerstone of his writing.            The impressive, elegance of phrasing, eliminates the bore by adding quenching flavor. In Bacon’s essay, Of Marriage and Single Life, an intriguing analogy adds spice, â€Å"A single life doth well with churchmen; for charity will hardly water the ground where it must first fill a pool.† The analogy is poetry in an informative essay. It impresses and tantalizes. It speaks visually in a world that loves to see. Elegance of phrasing in literature allows enveloped reading.            Cultured precepts in literature are proverbs we can apply in our lives. In Bacon’s essay, Of Love, there is a strong minded piece of advice, â€Å"You may observe that amongst all the great and worthy persons, (whereof the memory remainth ancient or recent), there is not one that hath been transported to the mad degree of love, which shows that great spirits and great business do keep out of this weak passion.† We live by what we learn. Through learning we gather wisdom and knowledge and incorporate it in our lives.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Macbeth: Natural Vs. Unnatural :: essays research papers
     In different periods of time, the lives of humans and nature were thought to have a connection, and this is emphasized in William Shakespeare's play MacBeth. In this play, unnatural events in nature foreshadow bad or unnatural occurrences in the lives of humans. Through out the play, Shakespeare continuously proves this point.          When Ross said "As sparrows eagles or the hare the lion" (I.ii.35), it proves this theory. Common knowledge says that sparrows do not classify as eagles does a hare classify as a lion. They may have similarities, such as they are both birds or mammals, but they are opposites. After the quote is spoken, Ross reveals that the Thane of Cawdor has betrayed his country and Macbeth shall take his place. Macbeth becoming the Thane of Cawdor was an unusual event and not expected.      When Macbeth finds the dagger in front of him, it alludes to this point even more. The foreshadowing of Macbeth's choice becomes evident when he says, "Nature seems dead" (II.i.50) For nature to seem dead would be the complete opposite of living because nature is thought to be continuously growing and changing, not dying. This is an unnatural event, that again foreshadows something bad, which is Duncan's death. Other unnatural occurrences happened prior to Duncan's death but were not explained until afterwards. When the old man says "'Tis unnatural / Even like the deed that's done. On Tuesday last A falcon tow'ring in her pride of place, was by a mousing hawk killed" (II.iv.10-13), it also proves the connection between unnatural events and humans. An owl tends to eat mice and hunt at night, a hawk is not it's usual meal. This strange event occurred prior to Duncan's death, which told of things to come. Another quote spoken by Ross, also foreshadows Duncan's death: "And Duncan's horses?. turned wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, Contending 'gainst obedience, as they would make way with man kind" And the old man responded with "'Tis said they eat each other'/" (II.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Measure for Measure Essay
What evidence is there in the play to support both views? What interests and engages you in the play? There are many aspects of the play that engage and interest the audience, two main aspects being comedy and trickery. There are many characters in the play which contribute to the comedy and trickery which is abundant in the play; in particular Lucio is a character who is often seen as comical due to his lack of restraint in his speech and his ignorance of other characters. He is often associated with bawdy humour but is also associated with noblemen; which brings his character into debate. The main source of trickery which engages the audience is the ‘bed trick’ which is cunningly devised by the Duke, which again brings his and also Isabella’s character into debate. Lucio is one of the main sources of comedy in ‘Measure for Measure’, his humour and almost careless speech engages the audience which will result in the audience liking his character. His speech on occasions appears to possess no restraint which is evident from his conversation with the two gentlemen when he proudly proclaims ‘I have purchased as many diseases under her roof as come to’. Lucio’s tone suggests the he is proud of this achievement which in turn results in the audience being humoured by Lucio. However Lucio’s proclamation also gives the audience reason for concern as it shows that there is a problem in Vienna with widespread disease. This relates to the outskirts in London in Shakespeare’s era as there were a large number of brothels which resulted in widespread disease. Lucio also humours the audience when he slanders the Duke in the presence of Friar Lodowick who is ironically the Duke. Lucio describes the Duke as being ‘A very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow’. There is dramatic irony throughout act three scene two as the audience know that Friar Lodowick is indeed the Duke, therefore will be constantly humoured as Lucio unknowingly slanders the Duke without a care. Lucio’s use of ‘ignorant’ to describe the Duke is very ironic as Lucio himself is ignorant to the fact the Friar Lodowick is the Duke. As of yet Lucio is painted as being a bawdy character solely to humour the audience with his ridiculous imagery ‘some say a sea maid spawned him’. However he is often associated with noblemen such as Claudio ‘One word good friend. Lucio, a word with you’. Therefore Lucio can be seen as representing both noble and the low culture societies, therefore the audience will have to judge Lucio and decide. I find Lucio interesting as he is presented as a random and spontaneous character, he also confesses that he will never change his attitude ‘I am a kind of burr, I shall stick’. Lucio’s character appears to contradict puritan ideas and I believe Shakespeare uses Lucio as a tool to get his message across. Using Lucio is a great example Shakespeare is stating that we need variety in life in order to function ‘Why, ‘twas a commandment to command captain and all the rest from their functions’. Shakespeare is saying everyone has a role in life which only ‘God’ can change; this again puts emphasis on the variety of people. This idea relates to the theme of equilibrium, in this diverse society there will be equilibrium between people. The main source of trickery in the play is the ‘bed trick’ which has been cunningly planned and devised by the Duke ‘we shall advise this wronged maid to stead up your appointment, go in your place’. Thus exposing Angelo as a result, the trickery will also give insight to the Duke being deceptive. However the reader will question Isabella’s actions as she appears to be a keen accomplice in the trick ‘The image of it gives me content already’. This painted image of Isabella conflicts with that the audience has been accustomed to, Isabella is often seen as excessively pious as she ‘rather wishes a more strict restraint on the sisterhood’. The audience will therefore gain a different perspective of Isabella as well as being sceptical on her position in the sisterhood, she appears to show no insight to the effect(s) this trick will have on Angelo and Mariana as well as her own reputation; instead she seems to immediately agree with the decision without hesitation. The audience will believe Isabella is thinking only about herself, as she wants to exposes and humiliate Angelo for his earlier refused proposal to Isabella. The use of ‘content already’ shows that Isabella appears to be excited and eager about this proposal, the tone also appears to be joyful again emphasising her eagerness. To summarise, comedy and trickery are both key aspects of the play which engage the audience into debate. The audience will gain insight of the characters and will be able to judge the characters on a number of occasions by considering the arguments for and against the decisions these characters make. The play on a whole I found very interesting and engaging, as a problem play many of the decisions made by the characters can be argued for and against, hence the audiences’ judgements on these characters will be diverse as everyone will perceive character’s decisions in a different manner.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Managerial Essay
Problems Chapter 4 Problem 4-26 Moravia Company processes and packages cream cheese. The following data have been compiled for the month of April. Conversion activity occurs uniformly throughout the production process. 1) Analysis of physical flow of units. 2) Calculation of equivalent units. 3) Computation of unit costs. 4) Analysis of total costs. 5) Build a Spreadsheet: Construct an Excel spreadsheet to solve all of the preceding requirements. Show how the solution will change if the following data change: the April 1 work in process costs were $27,000 for direct material and $5,000 for conversion. 1.| |   Physical Units| | Work in process, April 1| 10,000| | Units started during April| 100,000| | Total units to account for| 110,000| | Units completed and transferred out during April| 80,000| | Work in process, April 30| 30,000| | Total units accounted for| 110,000| 2.| | | | | | | | Physical Units| Percentage of Completion with Respect to Conversion| Equivalent Units| | | | | Direct Material| Conversion| | Work in process, April 1| 10,000  | 20%| | | | Units started during April| 100,000  | | | | | Total units to account for| 110,000  | | | | | Units completed and transferred out during April| 80,000  | 100%| 80,000| 80,000   | | Work in process, April 30|  30,000  | 33.33%|  30,000|  9,900   | | Total units accounted for| 110,000  | | | | | Total equivalent units| | | 110,000| 89,900   | 3.| | | | | | | Direct Material| Conversion|   Total| | Work in process, April 1| $22,000| $ 4,500| $26,500  | | Costs incurred during April|  198,000|  158,400|  356,400  | | Total costs to account for| $220,000| $162,900| $382,900  | | Equivalent units| 110,000| 89,900| | | Costs per equivalent unit| $2.00| $1.81| $3.81  | 4.| Cost of goods completed and transferred out during April:| | | | | | | (Units Transferred) *(Total Cost per equiv. unit) =| 80,000ï€ ï‚ ´Ã¯â‚¬ $3.81| $304,961| | | | | Cost remaining in April 30 work-in-process inventory:| | | | | | | Direct material:| | | | | | | | (# of equivalent units of Direct Material ) * ( Cost per Equivalent Unit of Direct Material) =| 30,000ï€ ï‚ ´Ã¯â‚¬ $2.00| $60,000| | | | | | Conversion:| | | | | | | | (# of equivalent units of conversion) * (Cost per equivalent unit of conversion) =| 9,900ï€ ï‚ ´Ã¯â‚¬ $1.81|   17,939| | | | | | Total cost of April 30 work in process| $77,919| | | | | | Check: Cost of goods completed and transferred out| $304,961| | Cost of April 30 work-in-process inventory|  17,939| | Total costs accounted for| $382,900| | | | | 5Build a Spreadsheet: Construct an Excel spreadsheet to solve all of the preceding requirements. Show how the solution will change if the following data change: the April 1 work in process costs were $27,000 for direct material and $5,000 for conversion.|
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Analyse the UK shower industry, value proposition of Quartz-Aqualisa’s revolutionary shower, marketing strategies employed by Aqualisa
This document analyses the UK shower industry, value proposition of Quartz-Aqualisa's revolutionary shower, marketing strategies employed by Aqualisa and suggests ways to make them more effective. The UK Shower Market – Product Offers and the Customer Behaviour The current market size of all different kinds of showers offered in UK was more than 1.8 million units valuing more than à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 Billion.1 Only 60% of the bathrooms in UK had a shower whereas all bathrooms had a bathtub. Prevalent problems in plumbing systems and showers The plumbing in UK was predominantly of the Victorian era. These systems were gravity fed which resulted in non uniform pressure and flow resulting in temperature fluctuations. The flow rates were around 3-4 litres per minute against the standard flow rates of 18 litres per minute in the USA. Also the showers broke down frequently and were difficult to repair as the seals used to get jammed and needed replacement. The replacement of the broken/worn down showers accounted for nearly 50% market.2 The users were having poor knowledge about the showers, available brands and options. These problems influenced the UK shower market and therefore shaped the consumer behaviour and the products available in the market. Market Segments The shower market can be broadly segmented in two categories – User and Non-Users. Refer Appendix Exhibit 1. USERS Premium users looked for style, performance, service and life. Standard users looked for performance, life and service of the shower. Value users looked for price, convenience and models that did not require major excavation and modifications in their bathrooms. NON-USERS Plumbers: Plumbers interacted through variety of ways with the end users- directly or indirectly. They maintained strong relationships with the manufacturers of the showers. They played a key role in the sale of the showers.3 Developers : They were the property developers in the UK. They preferred reliable showers which could work under multiple settings. They were price sensitive. They had direct contacts with the manufacturers or depended on the independent plumbers. DIY: These are large retail outlets which targeted customers who are primarily looking for ease of installation and inexpensive models. There were substantial sales taking place through this channel.4 Different Models and the Product Offers Based on the problems that existed, the market segmentation and the factors influencing decision making, three main types of showers were available in the market – Electric Showers, Mixer Showers and the Power Showers. They were targeted at different market segments under different brand names by manufactures. Quartz Value Proposition There will be two Value Propositions Statements5 based on the market segmentation – one for Users and the other one for Non Users. Refer Appendix Exhibit 3 It is considered that the Quartz Showers will be chosen over the competitive Mixer and the Power Showers. This is because of- Superior Design: Quartz range was designed to overcome the limitations of the Mixer and Power Showers, therefore in long term they will replace them completely. Current market share:6 Aqualisa has only 20 % and 16.7% of the current market share in the mixer showers and the power showers category. It is ranked 2nd and 5th respectively in these two categories. These two sectors offer the maximum growth potential and possibility of capturing new market share. Total costs:7 The initial cost of the Quartz showers are higher than both the Mixer Shower and the Power Showers, however installation of Mixer Showers require additional expenditure. It needs 2 man-days of the plumber which costs atleast 640à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (considering à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½40 per hour and 8 hours per day). Additionally, the plumbers charge the cost of excavation- labour and materials extra. Therefore the total costs of ownership of Quartz Standard showers turn out to be cheaper. Multiple Brand Strategy: Gainsborough, Aqualisa and ShowerMax Based on the market segmentation shown above, Aqualisa uses three different brands to position and serve its target markets optimally. The use of different brands is a positioning policy so that Aqualisa can determine its Marketing Mix8 for each target market segment in order to occupy a clear, distinctive and attractive position in the minds of the consumers relative to the competing brands and products.9 It is made clear from the figure below that the three different brands (shown by different colours) have three different products, price range, promotional channels and distribution channels. The Marketing Framework10 – Positioning Strategy and 4Ps Quartz : Mainstream or Niche Aqualisa spent nearly à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.8 Million over a period of 3 years to develop Quartz. This is close to 10% of the total revenue generated by the firm in the year 2000.11 Additional modules could be built upon the existing Quartz installations to provide sophisticated features with customised benefits e.g. horizontal Body Jet. The heavy expense, scalable plug-ins and the lower total costs of ownership suggest that Quartz was designed to be a mainstream product. Quartz – Why are they not selling? The sales of Quartz are not picking up for number of reasons: 1. Rogers Five Factors12 determine the rate of acceptance of an innovation in a market place. These Five Factors are relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability. Quartz scored low on the compatibility because the plumbers who were selling and influencing the buying decisions of the consumers, were vary of use of electronics in the showers. Also, Aqualisa was not effectively offering trials/demonstrations to its users (except through showrooms) and plumbers in its marketing strategy and therefore loosing sales. Whenever, the plumber or the consumer was getting a demonstration it was resulting in a sale. 2. Associated Cost Savings: The lower total costs of ownerships were not clearly communicated to the plumbers and the end users to mitigate reluctance due to the higher initial price of Quartz. 3. Plumber mindset and long adoption times: No explicit efforts were taken to educate the plumbers. They were only communicated verbally about the additional benefits of the Quartz, however no workshops or trainings were carried out to overcome the reluctance of the plumbers. 4. Lack of clarity in the sales team and conflicting brands resulting in lower sales. The sales team lacked clarity on which product it had to promote- Quartz or the mainstream products-Aquavalve and Aquastream. Infact, Rawlinson and the national sales manager Tim Pestell had different views on Quartz' mainstream or niche nature. This resulted in lower push from sales team. 5. Only 10% of their time was devoted by Sales team on new prospects. This meant that they were limiting themselves to a smaller group of potential buyers. 6. Awareness: There were little actions taken to spread the benefits and the wow factor of the Quartz shower to the end consumers apart from a weekly advertisement in The Mail. What should Rawlinson do? To increase sales, it is necessary to understand the Decision Making Process (DMP)13 of the target market segments. The DMP of the users and the plumbers are different. For DIY and Developers, we would need to establish a separate strategy. Mapping the DMP Plumbers Users – Premium, Standard Unaware Unaware Awareness Awareness Reluctance Demonstration Trial Knowledge of benefits Purchase Purchase Positive Attitude/Reference Repeat Based on the DMP, our Marketing and Communications Strategy should be to increase awareness and trial/demonstrations. Further, the strategy should be based on the 6Ms model14 to consider all the aspects and maximize the output. 6Ms Model 1. Market: We have not targeting the user-value segment since it is not suitable for Quartz. 2. Mission: To achieve a sale of at least 100 units per day in the next 3-4 months to bring Quartz in the mainstream segment. The maximum time available till another competitor catches up with the innovation is estimated to be 2 years. 3. Message: The message has to be different for the Plumbers and the Users. The different messages will be the statement of benefits that are spelled out in the Value Proposition of Quartz. Refer Appendix Exhibit 2. 4. Media: 4.1 Advertising: Full fledged advertisement campaign have high costs15. Therefore advertisement expenditure will be limited. However, a new and cost effective media can be the back of the Shower Gel Bottles. This way Aqualisa will be able to reach the users and even the non-user market very effectively. A small pilot test can be carried out immediately to determine its possible impact and its cost. Internet advertisement is also an effective and a cheaper way to reach the end users. The Pay per click concept will help keep the advertising costs down. 4.2 Sales Team: A change in the marketing structure of Aqualisa is needed so that greater focus can be given on each channel. The suggested marketing structure is shown in Appendix Exhibit 4. 4.3 Channel Management & Sales Promotion: This is based on giving incentives and forming stronger commercial relationships with the channel partners to push16 the Quartz through different channels available. Plumbers: > Launch Event: Organise a launch cum training event for one full day where plumbers from different locations can be brought together and explained about the product. This should include a hands on training program so that they realise the ease and get rid of any misconceptions. This can be repeated if required. > Plumber Loyalty Program & Commissions: Plumbers association with Aqualisa can be made official. Plumbers can be given commission for every sale of Quartz. This will immediately get their attention and help eliminate any doubts. While advertising Quartz directly to the users, their names can appear as the list of authorised plumbers to fit/sell Quartz in the specific territory. In return, a small fee can be charged to them for their official partnership. > References: Aqualisa can use references from respected plumbers to endorse the credibility of Quartz. > Going beyond the existing associated plumbers: To look and expand beyond the already known plumbers. Trade Shops: > Videos showing the entire installation process in a step wise manner and the associated cost savings to plumbers. > Early discounts: In-order to keep their commitment towards Quartz, certain Early Discounts schemes may be offered. > Training the Trade Shop staff to sell on Associated Cost Savings for the plumbers. The trade shop staff should be able to explain Quartz' benefits and how it is different from the earlier failed showers which used electronics. > Expand to other Trade Shops: Increase coverage to newer trade shops and territories. Showrooms & Distributors: > Expand to untapped Showrooms & Distributors in new geographies without conflicting the existing ones. > Early discounts 4.4 Integrated Marketing: Aqualisa's direct communication with end user should not result in direct business. The sales to the end users must be routed through authorised channels of showrooms and plumbers. Also the retail pricing for the plumbers and the showrooms will have to be same and fixed to avoid under-cutting. The idea is to create customer awareness and to use the Pull Strategy through either of the two channels. This will keep the current relationship with the channel partners intact. 5. Money: The entire Marketing communication and promotion strategy has been designed such that the initial cash outflow is less. Refer Appendix Exhibit 5 6. Measurement: It is extremely important to monitor closely how sales are picking up after taking all the initiatives. The restructuring of the marketing department suggested will help. Daily reports with key facts and figures will be made available to the Rawlinson who can then take suitable actions. Stripped down version for the Developers & DIY Aqualisa should develop a stripped down version of the Quartz for the DIY and Developers market(brand it under their existing Gainsborough & ShowerMax brands). Branding it under a different name will keep their Aqualisa brand intact. The fact that Quartz will become a platform on for subsequent hi-end solutions, it is recommended to concentrate on higher volumes than margins initially. Conclusion Close monitoring and implementations of the suggested schemes will help Aqualisa increase sales of Quartz to achieve its mainstream status. Appendix Exhibit 1 : Market Segment Exhibit 2: Various shower categories, Aqualisa's Offerings and the Channels used by them. Exhibit 3: Value Proposition of Quartz. Exhibit 4 : New Sales & Marketing Department Structure. Exhibit 5 : Marketing Communication and Promotion Expenditure. Exhibit 1: Market Segment UK Shower Market Segment Exhibit 3: Value Proposition of Quartz Value Proposition Statement17 for USERS Premium and Standard category Users who need bathroom showers will buy Quartz Standard Shower and Quartz Pumped Shower because it delivers water at good and stable pressures and temperatures, it is easy to use, it does not break down and has stunning looks. They will choose this over the Mixer and the Power Showers of other players such as Mira, Masco, Ideal Standard and Triton because we can uniquely offer remotely located water mixing mechanism that is electronically controlled and superior design from our focus on innovation, state art of testing facilities and engineering development team. Value Proposition Statement for NON USERS Plumbers who sell and influence buying decisions of bathroom showers will buy and recommend Quartz Standard Shower and Quartz Pumped Shower because it is easy to install, can be installed four times faster, does not need any excavation, offer a 5 year parts warranty, does not go wrong and need a second free visit. They will choose this over the Mixer and the Power Showers of other players such as Mira, Masco, Ideal Standard and Triton because we can uniquely offer remotely located water mixing mechanism that is electronically controlled and superior design from our focus on innovation, state art of testing facilities and engineering development team. Exhibit 4 : New Sales & Marketing Department Structure. Exhibit 5 : Marketing Communication and Promotion Expenditure. Less focus is given on advertisement and more focus is given on the push strategies. This way the maximum proportion of the marketing promotion expenditure occurs after the actual sales occur. Marketing Communications Media Expenditure type – Before / After Sale 1. Advertising on Shower Gels Before 2. Advertising on Internet (pay per click) Before the sale, but charged only on click not for placements 3. Advertising in Newspapers Before 4. Sales Restructuring – Extra Mktg. executives Before, however they will be used for closer monitoring of the implementation schemes and to push other products also. 5. Channels – Plumbers Commission After Plumber Loyalty Program Before Launch Event Before Trade Shops Early Discounts After Trade shops – staff training costs Before Showrooms – Early Discounts After Only in cases of Launch event and training programs there can be a substantial outflow earlier, however this is absolutely necessary to increase awareness in the Plumbers.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Rate Equation and Order Reaction
Top of Form 1. For the overall hypothetical reaction A + 5B â€â€> 4C the rate of appearance of C given by may also be expressed as: A. B. C. D. 2. For the reaction 4 NH3(g) + 5 O2(g) â€â€> 4 NO(g) + 6 H2O(g), the value of -[NH3]/t = 2. 6 x 10-3 M/s at a particular time. What is the value of -[O2]/t at the same instant? A. 1. 3 x 10-2 M/s B. 2. 08 x 10-3 M/s C. 2. 6 x 10-3 M/s D. 3. 25 x 10-3 M/s E. 520 M/s 3. What is the overall order for the following reaction between acetone and iodine? The experimental rate law is rate = k [CH3COCH3] [H3O+] ) CH3COCH3(aq) + I2(aq) +H2O â€â€> CH3COCH2I(aq) + H3O+(aq) + I-(aq) A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4 4. Nitric oxide (NO) reacts with hydrogen (H2) according to the equation: 2 NO(g) + 2 H2(g) â€â€> N2(g) + 2 H2O(g) The following initial rates of reaction have been measured for the given reactant concentrations. Expt. # | NO | H2 | Rate (M/hr)| 1 | 0. 010 | 0. 020 | 0. 020| 2 | 0. 015 | 0. 020 | 0. 030| 3 | 0. 010 | 0. 010 | 0. 005| Which of the following is the rate law (rate equation) for this reaction? A. rate = k[NO]2 [H2] B. rate = k[NO] [H2]2 C. rate = k[NO] [H2]4 D. ate = k[NO] [H2] E. rate = k[NO]1/2 [H2]1/4 5. A certain first order reaction A â€â€> B is 46 % complete in 68 min at 25 °C. What is its rate constant? A. 9. 06 x 10-3 min-1 B. 1. 14 x 10-2 min-1 C. 31 min-1 D. -1. 14 x 10-2 min-1 E. 51 min-1 6. What is the value of the rate constant for a first order reaction for which the half-life is 26. 7 min? A. 18. 5 min-1 B. 38. 5 min-1 C. 9. 25 min-1D. 19. 3 min-1 E. 0. 026 min-1 7. A reaction which is second order has a rate constant of 1. 0 x 10-3 L · mol-1  ° sec-1. If the initial concentration of the reactant is 0. 200 M, how long will it take for the concentration to become 0. 250 M? A. 4. 0 x 104 s B. 3. 5 x 104 min C. 3. 5 x 104 s D. 8000 s E. 3. 5 x 10-2 s 8. What is the half life of the previous second order reaction? A. 200 s B. 5000 s C. 0. 005 s D. 2 x 10-4 s E. none of the above 9. For the chemical reaction A â€â€> C, a plot of ln[A] versus time is found to give a straight line with a negative slope. What is the order of the reaction? A. third B. second C. first D. zero E. such a plot cannot reveal the order of reaction 10. What is the slope of an Arrhenius plot for the following reaction? CH3CHO(g) â€â€> CH4(g) + CO(g) Temp (K); k (L ·mol-1 ·s-1) 700; 0. 11 730; 0. 035 790; 0. 343 A. 7. 86 x 10-2 L mol-1 s-1/K B. 2. 89 x 10-3 K C. -2. 87 x 103 K D. 3. 23 x 10-4 K E. -2. 32 x 104 K 11. The rate constant of a first order reaction is 3. 68 x 10-2 s-1 at 150 °C. What is the rate constant at 170 °C if the activation energy for the reaction is 71 kJ/mol? A. 9. 16 x 10-2 s-1 B. 3. 68 x 10-2 s-1 C. 10. 92 s-1 D. -4. 04 x 10-2 s-1 E. 2. 46 x 101 s-1 12. A catalyst increases the rate of a reaction by A. increasing the enthalpy of the reaction B. lowering the activation energy C. raising the activation energy D. decreasing the enth alpy of the reaction 13.For the following exothermic reaction, the rate law at 298 K is: Rate = k [H2] [I2] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ H2(g) + I2(g) –> 2 HI(g) Addition of a catalyst would effect the initial rate of the reaction by: A. increasing the rate of the forward reaction B. increasing the rate of both forward and reverse reactions C. increasing the rate of the reverse reaction D. causing no increase or decrease in the rate of reaction E. none of the above 14. If the rate of the reaction PCl5 â€â€> PCl3 + Cl2 is increased a factor of four by doubling the concentration of PCl5, the rate law: A. depends on the concentrations of PCl3 and Cl2B. is first order with respect to PCl5 C. is second order with respect to PCl5 D. is fourth order with respect to PCl5 15.. Consider the reaction of CH3Cl with hydroxide ion CH3Cl + OH- –> CH3OH + Cl- At some temperature the following data are collected: Initial conc| rate after 1 min| [CH3Cl]| [OH-| | 0. 1 M| 0. 1 M| 1 x 10-4 mole/L| 0. 2 M| 0. 1 M| 2 x 10-4 mole/L| 0. 1 M| 0. 2 M| 2 x 10-4 mole/L| A. The reaction is first order with respect to methyl chloride B. The reaction is first order with respect to hydroxide ion C. The reaction is second order overall D. All of the above
Friday, September 13, 2019
How to Apply to the Senate Page Program
Have you ever considered taking some time away from your regular routine to pursue something new, exciting, and completely different? We probably all have, and while there are tons of opportunities that might fit the bill, few are feasible in terms of time commitment, academics, or financial concerns. But, for students interested in pursuing a career in politics, government, or law, there is one program that may address all of the concerns above. This program is offered both during the school year and during summer months, provides appropriate and rigorous academic course work during the school year, and actually pays you for the work you do. Oh, and it also comes with a ton of prestige and recognition. If this sounds like a good deal to you, read on to learn how you can apply to the Senate Page Program. The Senate Page Program is a fancy term for an official high school internship at the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C.. This program is offered only to high school juniors and provides the opportunity to work with actual senators and government leaders. Students in the Senate Page Program are sponsored by local senators and work for their sponsoring senator’s party in the U.S. Senate. Senate Pages are mostly messengers. They deliver messages and legislative materials to U.S. Senators, Congressmen, and other staff members at the Hart Senate Office Building. They also prepare the chambers for daily business and stand by for tasks while Congress is in session. While doing so, they gain important exposure in the fields of government and politics. The program is highly selective, with only 30 Senate Pages accepted each term.  There are four terms annually. One begins in the fall for four months, another begins in the spring for five months, and two shorter terms start at the beginning of each summer. During the school year, the Senate Page Program is a residential program. Pages live together in a dorm located two blocks from the Hart Senate Building. They take classes beginning at 6:15 AM daily and after classes, pages work while Senate is in session, typically from 10AM – 4PM, though sometimes much longer if Senate has not adjourned for the day. Pages are provided breakfast and dinner daily, and pay for their room and board out of the stipend they earn through working as a page. The stipend is generally modest, reportedly based off of a roughly $26,000 annual salary, and uniform costs are also taken from it. The summer term is slightly different. There is no academic component during summer months and pages are permitted to live with friends or relatives, rather than in the dorm. Dorm residency is still available for those who choose it. While enrolled in the program, students are held to exceptionally high standards for conduct and dress. Room inspections are conducted regularly and students should expect to spend 12-13 hours studying and working each day. It is a rigorous schedule and pages are required to have a doctor’s approval before beginning the program. Senate Pages must be in their junior year of high school. If you’re interested in the summer terms, you may be either a rising junior or a rising senior. You must be 16 or 17 years old, a U.S. citizen, and a student. In order to apply, you must have a GPA of at least 3.0. Pages are sponsored by individual senators. Each senator is usually given the chance to sponsor a page during only one term per year, and he or she generally alternates between male and female pages each year. Because you must apply through a senator, the exact application process and selection criteria vary. Many senators provide more precise information on their websites. Most senators will only sponsor students from the state they represent, but this is not the case for all senators. If you need to apply for a specific term and your senator is not sponsoring a page that term, you should not discount the opportunity. Instead, research nearby states to see if their senators sponsor out-of-state students. If you can’t find the information you need, call their office directly and ask. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. Because you apply for sponsorship directly through a senator, the application process varies by office. In most cases, you submit an initial application along with a resume and several written recommendations. In some cases you also need to submit a transcript and write an essay. If you advance past the first round, you will likely be invited for a series of interviews. The program is extremely competitive, so if you make it to the interview phase, be sure to practice ahead of time and arrive on time and dressed professionally. Due to the competitive nature of the program, you will need to leverage every advantage that you can to your favor. It is politics, after all. For this reason, try to find personal and professional connections that will give you a leg above the rest. Some senators might require that you submit at least one recommendation from a teacher, adviser, or head of school. If this is the case, choose the most established professional who knows you well. If you have a good relationship with your head of school and you believe that he or she can speak specifically to your strengths, go ahead and ask for a recommendation. If, however, you aren’t sure that your head of school even knows who you are, work your way down the line of command until you find someone who knows you well. Another strong recommendation should come from a teacher who has instructed you in a related content area. This could be your AP U.S. Government teacher, your Mock Trial adviser, or another teacher who knows your abilities well. If you are asked for more than two recommendations, try to find someone who is well-connected and has political ties to supply the third. This is the time to call your uncle’s college roommate to arrange a lunch meeting, or hit up your best friend’s mother’s cousin for a coffee date. While these people may not know you very well, if they are connected politically, their word might carry much more weight than someone else’s. Although it is a general rule of thumb that you should not seek recommendations from people who do not know you well, if your senator seeks more than two recommendations, it is not a bad idea to try to find someone with political ties to supply the third recommendation. Don’t blindly ask for a recommendation from someone who hasn’t seen you since you were in diapers, though. Instead, arrange a time to meet together to discuss your plans and ambitions. When you do so, be not only honest about your intentions but also upfront about your qualifications. Your job is to clearly articulate to this person why you are qualified and deserving of becoming a Senate Page. If you can convince this person that you’re a worthy candidate, he or she might be able to convince your sponsoring senator. Also, keep in mind the weight of the favor this person is lending you. Be extremely gracious and make sure that you arrive early so that you don’t keep anyone waiting. Ask for advice and do as much listening as you do talking. Even if you don’t end up becoming a Senate Page, this person could be a valuable mentor if you intend to pursue a career in government or politics. The Senate Page Program is one of the most competitive high school programs in the country. Each term, only 30 pages are selected nationally. Of these, 15 are males and 15 are females. It’s unknown exactly how many students apply each year, since all applicants go through a sponsoring senator, but it’s safe to say that only a tiny proportion of applicants go on to become Senate Pages. Also, remember that there are some factors that will impact your chances of becoming a page that are outside of your control. Like anything in politics, connections play an important role in identifying top candidates. Further, because the number of page roles is fewer than the number of senators, senior senators are more likely to successfully appoint a page and even then, senators may only sponsor one page per year.   Just because you don’t have any connections doesn’t mean you can’t become a Senate Page. It is completely possible to make your own connections as an involved high school student. If you’re interested in government or politics and you know that you want to become a Senate Page, start working towards it early in your high school career. You might volunteer in local government or politics. Get involved with your district representative or, during an election year, work on a political campaign. Some local government offices also have page programs that may serve as a good entry point for you. You can create meaningful connections through your own prolonged involvement in local and regional politics and government. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in politics or government but want some more guidance and insight into the process, consider ’s Mentoring Program , which provides practical advice on topics from high school activities and college applications to career aspirations, all from successful college students who have been in your shoes.
Drug Courts in the US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Drug Courts in the US - Research Paper Example This research paper aims at compiling a report on the effectiveness of drug courts in the United States. Brooklyn treatment court is among the largest drug courts in New York. This court documented the effectiveness of drug courts in reforming drug offenders struggling with addiction. It is documented that this court views drug offenders as individuals struggling with a chronic disease and not as a moral breakdown viewed by the judicial system. This court comes up with bands of treatment that have measurements of success used in evaluating the progress of the offender. Though the offenders upon release often come back with similar charges, the court views relapse as inevitable in any offender being rehabilitated from drug. The court reports that since the intervention measures adopted in drug courts are situation specific and contextualized their effectiveness in reforming the offenders is inevitable (Dorf & Sabel, 2000). Consequently, effectiveness of drug courts in the United States is also documented in the Belenko’s study. From his study of drug courts, it is reported that drug courts reported higher retention rates as they emphasized a more closer and comprehensive framework and supervision with the offenders. The drug testing which evidenced reduced levels in subsequent visits evidenced this. In addition, drug courts aided in judicial saving since there was reduces jail and prison use (Belenko, 2003). Subsequently, drug courts have been documented to reduce criminality. This is attributed to the fact that the offenders are under the strict supervision of their supervisors and have to report to the court. This reduces the chances for them to engage in criminal activities. It is documented that the main aim of any correction strategy is to reduce the rate of recidivism. Drug courts have been documented to be effective since they have been documented to reduce the rate of recidivism with a substantial margin (Weiman, 2007). Members of the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Manage Factoring and invoice Discounting Agreements Assignment
Manage Factoring and invoice Discounting Agreements - Assignment Example With the (personal property security act) PPSA, there could be an interest in the assurance of ABC PTY Company to pay Azure PTY Company in the supplies it made to them. In addition, that could be like an interest in the trade registrar for the supplies that could be paid for by the ABC PTY Company although there were delays in the government agency to offer the invoice payment in time. Incase the collateral is transferred, the first company to have the financial statement (Factorific) will take the position of the collateral of ABC PTY Company and it will have the first priority. For the creditors in the company whose credit has been solved the priority is given to the first holder of the interest then followed by the holder of the second interest. For the people who purchase negotiable instruments, chattel paper and negotiable documents the priority will first on the purchaser’s interest to have the priority in relation to the security interest in the goods and services negotiated. For the execution creditors, they always have the first chance to have the interest than the unperfected interests. This is only excepted when the same collateral has no the perfect time which subsection does not cover. If ABC PTY Company follows the right procedure and use the right security agency the issue will be solves and the business between ABC PTY Company and Azure PTY Company will be
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Convergent Journalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Convergent Journalism - Essay Example The word convergence is used to provide meaning to the user but these individual definitions may not be according to the minds of readers. Convergence journalism is concerned with merging the print media, photojournalism, podcasting, video and broadcast. It also is concerned with the links between the internet and other media such as DVDs. All these media are converted to a dynamic media entity in which all team members understand and participate in the entire process during which they prepare information to distribute to the readers and viewers (Anderson, 2005). Technology has helped to facilitate the creation of faster and more capable computers, digital camcorders and cameras. Devices like CDs and DVDs have all become involved in the process of spreading information. News travels very fast as it can be received by many devices like television, radio, newspapers, websites, cell phones and iPods. Another important achievement is that social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have become popular among all age groups. This allows members to access their own pages to find out all kinds of information. Convergence journalism is also concerned with online journaling or blogging which allows people to express their views. There are blogs of every type which can cover diverse fields like education, politics, news, opinions, recreation and sports. Blogs can be accessed by devices like computers, cell phones, and iPods. People are spending more time online as major shopping sites, networking sites, blogging sites and message boards offer a variety of diverse information to the people. Television news teams are now creating news packages to be shown on the web and on networks and stations. The web packages include articles and other items found in newspapers. The web has also facilitated the use of interactive features which can provide a user friendly environment to the users. There are forums and blogs which can provide valuable information about the public's rating of major programs and news. Television news teams have also began to create new content on the web to attract young read ers by providing interactive features like polls, blogs and forums (McNair, 2006). Streaming video and audio broadcasts are also offered for web viewers. Local areas have been collaborating with these news channels as they provide up to date information on the web. Newspaper and television news teams now collaborate with each other as they try to present the news according to the environment. Some newspapers have moved their operations to the internet while others are partly keeping their home delivery. Some newspapers are offering home deliveries only on weekends because of the rising prices as they cannot meet their costs (Allan, 2006). Another form of convergence journalism is citizen journalism in which freelance citizens are allowed to become part of newspaper publications. They provide information and access to content which online publications would have difficulty finding. The advent of digital photography has helped to discard the use of darkroom equipment
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Human Resource - Best Company to Work for Research Paper
Human Resource - Best Company to Work for - Research Paper Example Companies which are considered best to work with are those in which their human resource practices are fair, equal to all and that they acknowledge employees as important asset as well as resource to the company (Google company 2012). Human resource practices is used widely in the measurement in which company an employee can work best with, these practices are useful in addressing various issues affecting employees in the workplace. Companies considered best to work with have best human resource practices and policies that treat employees equally and fairly, these practices are available on demand to respond to specific situations. These human resource practices generally ensure that there is positive working environment which promote good working relationship and improved productivity. Such companies are considered best to work with because it ensures that employees are able to understand their employment terms, benefits and salaries thus there is minimal employer and employee conflicts within the company. Google Company is among the top companies which are considered to have the best human resource practices thus the best company most of the employees would like to work with. The ranking of Google Company as the best company to work with is based on the adoption of the various human resource practices that addresses to a larger extent the issues concerning the welfare of the employees both in the workplace and outside. The success of Google Company has been greatly linked with these human resource aspects which are the key factors to the increased productivity of its employees (Google company 2012). These aspects of human resource practices which have been adopted by Google Company include the following. The approach in which Google Company uses in the recruitment process is that the human resource department directly manages and carries out all the recruitment and the selection process of the new employees. In the final stages in ensuring
Monday, September 9, 2019
An Overview of the Auditing Process, The Risk-Based Audit Approach Essay
An Overview of the Auditing Process, The Risk-Based Audit Approach with in an AIS (Accounting Information System) - Essay Example This paper not only outlines the basis for risk based approach to auditing but also its implications for carrying out audit work in the context of accounting information systems is discussed here below. Businesses typically identify the risks which are facing their operations and auditors can base their evidence collection and validation of information process on the assessment of risks by businesses. Internal audit function of a business needs to ascertain the overall audit risk which refers to the likelihood of financial statements being misstated. The audit risk is a combination of three types of risks which are namely inherent risk, control risk and detection risk. Inherent risk implies the threat of material error or omission pertaining to an account or a class of transactions. Control risk covers the inability of the internal controls to detect and prevent material errors. Detection risk is the failure of audit procedures to unveil any material error, misstatement or even fraud in reporting. Both inherent and control risks determine the extent of detection risk. It is suggested that the higher the control risk is the lower is detection risk set by the auditors which may requi re greater substantive testing by them (Romney & Steinbart, 2005). The risk based approach allows assessing the weaknesses in the accounting information systems and controls over such systems for determining the nature, extent, scope and timing of audit procedures. This allows auditors to assess the threats and opportunities in order to deliver better opinion on the information processed by their clients. The audit procedures not only restrict to the information manually prepared by different businesses but also extend to the accounting informational systems which are maintained by companies for data recording and reporting (Romney & Steinbart, 2005). The
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Class 6340 week discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Class 6340 week discussion - Assignment Example According to the Journal of Clinical Nursing, the number of nursing students involved in alcohol and substance abuse has been on the rise and it is the role of a nurse educator to help them since they spend most of their time together (Monroe and Kenaga, 2011). I am interested in becoming a clinical instructor for the registered nurses (RNs). These students are novices in the nursing career and hence immense pressure is upon them which makes many of them resort to indulging in alcohol and other substance to ease the stress and pressure. Continual usage lead to abuse which is what is making their number increase drastically in this field. As their instructor, I will be in a better position to advise them and make them change their attitude towards the career and hence in the end change their behavior (of abusing alcohol and other substances) as well. As a clinical instructor the common legal issue is sexual harassment and assault lawsuit filed by a student. This is a concern because it will cost me not only my license to practice nursing or even teach it but also my dignity and money for damages have to be paid (Osinski,
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Quality management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Quality management - Assignment Example In this experiment, a one half fractional experiment was conducted. It was done in k – 1 runs. The experiment was conducted to assess the effect of five factors on a coil spring. The free height of the spring was denoted as y. The goal of the experiment was to obtain a height of eight inches or a height as close to eight inches as possible. The number of factors used was five, while the number of runs was sixteen with three replicates for each run. The experiment was a 2k – 1 design, thus it was a one half fractional factorial experiment. It was denoted as 25 – 1. Based on the evaluation of the cause and effects, the following factors and factor levels were chosen for the experiment. Below is a table of the factors and the factor levels for both high denoted by a plus sign and low depicted by a minus sign. From the determined factors and factor levels the fractional factorial experiment was conducted. This was because the number of runs needed for a full factorial experiment would have been a lot. Because the resources at hand coupled with the knowledge that the relations would not be of concern, a 25 – 1 fractional factorial was used. The design matrix and the height data are given in the table below. Thus, the design was not able to differentiate D from ABC. Effect D which was the main effect was aliased with the interaction ABC. Hence, D was equal to ABC which meant that I was equal ABCD. I was the column of plus’s which was the characteristic element in the set of multiplications. I is equal to ABCD was the characterizing relation for the 25-1 design experiment. This means that all the effect aliasing relations are: A = BCD, B = ACD, C = ABD, D = ABC, AB = CD, AC = BD, AD = BC, E = ABCDE, AE = BCDE, BE = ACDE, CE = ABDE, DE = ABCE, ABE = CDE, ACE = BDE, BDE = BCE. The main effect is named clear if it is not aliased with other main
Friday, September 6, 2019
Energy Drinks and There Effects Essay Example for Free
Energy Drinks and There Effects Essay Have you ever wondered what the side effects were after drinking an energy drink? People buy these types of drinks all the time and they are very popular with the younger groups. They give you a boost of energy but they can also make you sick. There are many different brands of energy drinks on the market the most popular are Red Bull and Monster. People are now mixing these with alcohol which has a serious side effect. There are several ingredients in energy drinks: caffeine, taurine, b vitamins, inositol, ginseng, glucuronolactone, artificial sweeteners, ginkgo biloba, and l-carnitine. The caffeine in these drinks can cause dizziness, jitters, nausea, irritability and nervousness. You can also have an allergic reaction like: a rash, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue. To many b vitamins like vitamin (B3) can cause flushing of the skin. Ginkgo biloba can cause nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations and the l-carnitine can cause headache, diarrhea, sleep difficulty. Why do people buy these drinks? Because they give you an energy boost when you need it. These types of drinks are more popular with the teens and college kids they drink these to give them a boost when they are studying or partying to help them stay awake but when the effects of the drink wears off they feel more tired than they already were. These drinks contain more caffeine then a regular soda a normal soda has 25-40 milligrams of caffeine and the energy drink has 280 milligrams of caffeine. This much caffeine can affect your heart rate and blood pressure. Having this much caffeine in your body can make you heart rate become accelerated. These sorts of drinks can also cause dehydration which is not good on your body. Mixing energy drinks and alcohol has become popular with people. It says that when you mix the two together the energy drinks counteracts the depressant effect of alcohol. Mixing the two causes your body to become more dehydrated than drinking one of the drinks alone. After you drink one or more of the mixed drinks your body wants more and you become more dehydrated. My thoughts about this type of drink are that they are not very healthy and they can cause permanent damage to your body. Why would anyone want to put something like that in there body? For me they are no good and would cause more damage to my heart than there already is and you only have one heart. My own children have tried these energy drinks and the effects they had on them were not pleasant they were full of energy and could not hold still for a minute and when the effects wore off they were too tired to do anything. When they woke up the next day they still felt tired and they said they didn’t feel all the greatest. References: The Health Effects of Energy Drinks-Associated content from Yahoo http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/234299/the _health_effects_of_energy_drinks_pg.
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